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We are looking for your personal answers to the following questions:

• What do you need to be and stay your size?
• Who or what do we still – subconsciously – give power over us?
• What are the reasons and situations that keep throwing us out of our strong inner center?
• Do we know the language of our inner voice?
• Which words do I choose for a new positive language and attitude towards myself?
• What order do I want to create in and around me and how do I address and express it?

Together we will illuminate previous weakening and unclear communication, behavior and action patterns and
• replace limiting beliefs with positive, empowering and supportive ego statements
• develop strong new inner images and throw old ballast overboard
• Allow yourself compassion for yourself and old feelings
• recognize the way to more and more self-determination and inner self-guidance!

You find:
• Clarification of stressful emotions
• personal allowances for size, power and strength
• Awareness of constricting structures and repetitive patterns
• the middle of your system
• the power to make self-determined choices: to speak up confidently or simply to leave things silent

Give yourself the gift of a self-determinated way of life – Voice and personality are so closely linked. 
The meaning of the term “person” comes from the Latin: “per-sonare” means ” re-sonate” – our thoughts and emotions always resonate in our voices and how we speak. 

Echoing Nelson Mandela’s opinion, we could say that we are often “more afraid of our greatness than of our smallness”. 


30 years of experience in culture. education. teaching. health. politics. business.

Vocal Empowerment. Claudia Duschner Stimm-Expertin