Public Institutions
- Federal Ministery of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
- Ministery of Schools and Education in NRW
- Ministery of Culture and Scines in NRW
- University of Witten/ Herdecke
- University of Duisburg/ Essen
- Technical University Dortmund –
Center of Entrepreneurship - Trier University of Applied Sciences
- Philharmonie Luxemburg
- Philharmonie Essen
- Opera house Aalto-Theater Essen
- South West German Radio SWR Stuttgart
- District Government Düsseldorf
- Personnel Academy of Düsseldorf

- Jobcenter Dortmund
- Jobcenter Wuppertal
- Competence centre for the supervisory school authority of Mönchengladbach – Essen –
Mülheim/ Ruhr - Childrens Social Services Iserlohn – Lüdenscheid
- Business academy Duisburg – Mülheim/ Ruhr
- Media House Mülheim Ruhr
- offices for economic development NRW
- StarterCenter Recklinghausen –
Neuss – Borken - Centre for Teacher Training Oberhausen

- Huk-Coburg
- Commerzbank Direktservice
- Sparkassen

Social - Medicine
- Foundation for the Philharmonie Luxemburg EME
- Centre for speech and language therapy Luxemburg Luxemburg
- Multiple sclerosis Day Center Bill – Luxemburg
- Hôpital intercommunal Steinfor LU
- Association Luxembourg Alzheimer
- Evangelical Church Rheinland
- Diocese Essen
- Health protection and safety engineering
- Florence Nightingale Hospital Düsseldorf
- Outpatients clinic for psychiatry Heiligenhaus
- Deaconship Essen
- Society for child protection Essen
- Society for physical disabilities Duisburg
- Women`s refuge Mülheim/ Ruhr
- Midwife centre Essen-Steele
- Eckhard Busch Foundation Köln


- Federal Association of mid-size businesses
BVMW - Association of female led German Businesses VDU
- Business and Professional Women BPW
- Association of recommended Businesses VEU
- Architects Initiative NRW
- Professional Association FDBR
- Suroptimisten Essen
Teaching - Education

- Goethe-Institut Sao Paolo
- University for Economy & Management FOM
- International School
of Management Dortmund ISM Academy - Academy of Music for NRW
- Institute of Studies SINN Niederrhein
- Institute of teachers Wuppertal
- Congresses – Exhibitions
- Lugert-Publisher Hamburg