Claudia Duschner

WE ALWAYS MAKE AN IMPACT – but words alone have little effect … We can speak, but using and leading our voices consciously, especially under stress, is so necessary and can be very effective, but at the same time often very challenging. We train this – soon you will be able to control your voice and your communication in a targeted and skilful way and feel good about it: FOR YOUR PERSONAL SUCCESS – in both your professional & private life!
You will recognise how and why stress impacts your voice, breathing and body posture and learn how everything is interconnected and has a reason.
You will train yourself to coordinate opposites at the same time, MUSCULAR. MENTAL. EMOTIONAL, in order to be able to change the pitch, colour and tempo of your speech!
You will soon be able to consciously choose and switch between different vocal tones according to the situation you are in and to know WHAT is appropriate for WHOM and in WHICH SITUATION?
“Ms. Duschner captivated and thrilled us all; there wasn’t a single boring moment. On the way back in the car, I already started doing the first exercises – fantastic! With the choice of Ms. Duschner as the instructor, you absolutely hit the mark – simply great!”
(Training day with lecture and workshops)
“This lecture was incredibly well structured and simply excellent! a very impressive and inspiring event.”
(Online lecture - international)
“This was one of the best seminars in my 17 years with the company. Very useful – informative – entertaining – helpful and perfectly moderated.”
(Commerzbank - one-day seminar)
“I’m thrilled – I’ve seen so much change today – in myself and in others.Thank you for this valuable day! Two colleagues really want to be there next time!”
(Commerzbank - one-day seminar)
“Hello Mrs Duschner, thanks a lot for the great training day. The participants were very satisfied. A direct quote: “Mrs. Duschner lives (for) her content.”
(Sparkasse - leading manager, training day)
“I only expected 20% of what I got. I didn’t know that the topic was so complex. It could have gone on for hours.”
(Federal association BVMW - seminar)
“You are a top trainer and were a real highlight in our program!”
(Federal association - BVMW regional management )
“Thank you very much for the clear and to the point presentation: Normally I’d be looking at my emails on the side, but with yourself I was with you all of the 2 hours of the online-lecture.”
(counsellor of the German state parliament)
“I would like to thank you for the empowering and inspiring training.Your holistic approach in particular has done me a lot of good.”
(Abteilungsleiter - England)
„Wow – I never felt that before and I can hear and feel the difference now.”
(Abteilungsleiter - England)

You describe your current situation, your personal concerns and challenges and we formulate your exact goals and wishes.
You will receive a tailor-made roadmap – suitable for your personality, your pace and your schedule.
We train, reflect, adjust and neutralise and you will change the way you use your voice in the direction you want it to go!
My Blog
My Blog
BLOG # 9 Voice is just moving air
SPEAKING TRAINING, to express yourself optimally in the long term
BLOG #8 All muscles are connected with each other
VOICE TRAINING to produce the sound I want in my voice
BLOG #7 IS THERE AN INTERNATIONAL VOICE? - English is the international language!
Voice coaching to act perfectly on a global scale
my passion. MY field of expertise.
all about the IMPACT. VOICE. self-Determination.
As a trained opera singer, I have learned to use my body effectively, to sing freely in large spaces even without a microphone and alongside large orchestras. I know how stage fright and stress can throw you vocally. I have searched a lot, found a lot and understood a lot in order to stay centered and I am happy to pass on my experience to you. Therefore, I am happy to accompany you on your personal path with your voice and yourself…
30 years of experience in culture. education. teaching. health. politics. business.