to speak and to act how I really want to
Voice is a unique tool that we humans have at our disposal. With it we can express our thoughts, emotions and personality. Unfortunately, however, feelings and inner stress often resonate in the voice, which we do not want to make audible.
But voice, voice sound and emotionality are inseparable. The way we are able to use and control our voice can have a huge impact on our emotional expressiveness in this regard, and being self-confident is of great importance these days, both personally and professionally. “To be able to create a great voice, I need to be able to make myself bigger – inside and out, to be able to feel big, and at the same time be free from fear of being judged or being labelled arrogant!”
Voice and personality are closely linked. The term from the Latin “person” is composed of “per” = “through” and “sonare” = “to sound, to vibrate”. So this means that our inner self vibrates outwards through our voice. The question is: do I really know myself – how do I really want to come across and how do I do it?
The voice is the “acoustic disposal” of our personality. The sonorous, large, deep voice conveys sovereignty, authority and persuasiveness. It enables us to communicate our thoughts and ideas clearly and to convince our counterpart. If I am an extrovert, this is easier for me. But what if I am more of an introvert and only feel insecure in certain situations?
Many people have difficulty using their voice effectively and appearing confident. They feel insecure, fear rejection or are simply not comfortable with their own voice. When we open up ourselves and our voice, we become vulnerable and more vulnerable and this causes anxiety.
This insecurity is in turn heard in the sound of the voice, sometimes you notice it yourself and become even more insecure or quieter or more difficult to understand: you withdraw into yourself. This is not ideal in important but challenging communication situations – but it is understandable and comprehensible.
In voice training, one experiences one’s own voice anew, learns about the possibilities of realigning the voice, of repositioning the voice and even oneself possibly, which is really good for you. New feelings can arise that one does not yet know or that one has previously classified as negative if one opens one’s mouth wider(-er) more often. When you then experience that nothing bad happens that our subconscious is so afraid of and that makes us feel small, then we feel liberated.
How often have I experienced this – again and again – with myself and others – in small as well as big situations: it simply feels good!
For leaders and managers.
In customer service and sales.
In a professional context, a strong voice makes the difference between success and failure. A self-confident voice conveys competence and confidence, which has a positive effect on our working environment and career opportunities. The clear and powerful voice radiates authority and competence: Why? Because it subconsciously signals that I AM FREE FROM FEAR – because otherwise I couldn’t produce big strong sounds!!!!
To be able to adjust this in a matter of seconds, especially under pressure and stress, is the goal and is a time and money well spent, especially for leaders and managers. Some clients made great career steps after our voice training, got their dream job or now dared to stand up for themselves, for wishes, goals and clarifications and to negotiate with voice confidence – and with success! So it works!
VOICE COACHING TIPS super.simple.effective.
Stay mindful – notice what is happening: with you and with your counterpart. Observe and notice yourself. Ask yourself inwardly while you are talking and arguing outwardly:
- Am I pulling my shoulder up or forward – am I making myself small? If so, your voice will become tight and you will breathe less and less. Your counterpart notices this, can react to it and one thing leads to another! – So train yourself: SHOULDER DOWN!
- What about my mouth when I speak: do I open it wide, can I feel the movement? – if not, the voice gets higher and tighter and your body gets stressed. So the next training step: MOUTH OPEN – again and again!
The good message is: If I dare to do more and trust myself more, really different sounds come out of us and we are perceived differently!
Voice expert.